Ordering and payments
To place an order, please follow these steps:
1. Add the desired product to your shopping cart.
2. Click on the shopping cart at the top right of the website.
3. Having arrived at your shopping cart, you can check everything and click the 'Proceed to checkout' button to get to the payment page.
4. Fill in your personal details and place your order.
To change an order, please contact us. Customer service will then assist you further with changing the order.
To cancel an order, please contact us. Customer service will then assist you further in cancelling the order.
To change your delivery address, please contact us. Customer service will then assist you further with changing your address.
Do you have an account? Easily change your address in the account overview under the heading 'Address'.
You can pay with iDeal, Bancontact, Creditcard, Klarna AfterPay, VISA, KBC/CBC, Belfius & PayPal.